April 2023

Research and Application of Project-Based Teaching Methods in History at Can Tho FPT High School
1Hue, Thi Pham,2Tien,Kieu Thi Nguyen
1Can Tho University of Technology, Can Tho City, Vietnam
2FPT University, Can Tho City, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-42

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In the 21st century, education in Vietnamese in general and FPT Education in particular have actively innovated teaching methods to improve teaching quality. Therefore, the project-based teaching method is one of the methods that FPT Education focuses on. This is an effective method to link knowledge content with real life, theory with practice, learning and social environment. During the implementation of the project, students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned in practical activities, performing “learning goes hand in hand with practice”. The characteristic of history subject is understanding the past, and orienting actions in the present and the future, so history is sometimes considered a boring subject and is rarely seriously invested by students. Therefore, the research and application of projects in teaching history at Can Tho FPT High School will help students to be aware of the relationship between the past and the present so that students can have a better learning method and enhance their interest in learning history.


Project-based teaching, history, teaching method, high school.


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